If I had to Write to You

In what ways can we say "love"? The letter has been throughout time a way to leave testimony about the wonder, the doubt, the desire and the pain that love has given the world. In this series of postcards, the poet and visual artist Alejandra Correa and Libros de las Malas Compañías propose a loving device to wind up the days.
If I had to Write to You received the First National Prize for literature for children and young people in Uruguay, in 2014.
Written and illustrated (collages) by Alejandra Correa
Collection: Cravings
Size: 12x16 cm
(28 postcards with collages and poems)
ISBN: 978.84.942648.8.7
(Price without VAT €11.52)
RRP €12
Alejandra Correa
Born in Uruguay in 1965 yet a resident of Buenos Aires since the age of 3, she is a poet, editor and visual artist. She previously worked as a journalist and graphic editor in important media outlets in Argentina, and later worked in the Cultural Management field. In 2004 she was one of the creators and directors of the Audiovideoteca de Escritores in Buenos Aires, a programme on the audiovisual memory of Argentinean literature and theatre. Since 2010 she coordinates, together with Marisa Negri, the Festival de Poesía en la Escuela (Poetry in School), and since 2016 she runs the independent publishing house La Gran Nilson.
She has published the poetry collections Río partido, Donde olvido mi nombre, Los niños de Japón, Cuadernos de caligrafía, Maneras de ver morir a un pájaro, El nombre verdadero and La nieve. In 2022, Tinkuy published her card game Posdata.
She has been awarded the Second National Poetry Prize of Uruguay (2014) and the First National Prize of Literature for Children and Young People of Uruguay (2014) for the book Si tuviera que escribirte (If I had to Write to You), published in 2015 by Libros de las Malas Compañías.
As a visual artist she works with collages and textiles. She has illustrated the books: Si tuviera que escribirte, Aventuras de pájaro, Las malqueridas and now, Viajeras atlánticas (Lady Travellers of the Atlantic).