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Wonderful women


Wonderful women is an invitation to trace the female lineage of a neighbourhood. Following the trail of the actress, the thinker, the gossip, the jurist, the nun, the princess, the activist, the poet, the journalist or the nice one, we will build the history of a part of Madrid that was called "The Shelter" and that these women transformed into Wonders.  

Here we leave you the promotional video:

Since February 2nd, the day of la Candelaria, we have had for sale

Stamps of la Virgen de las Maravillas, with the illustration of Jesús

Gabán and a prayer by Ana Rossetti.  


You can buy them together with the book or separately and the benefits of

the sale will go to the Food Bank of the Barrio de Maravillas.

"We have to understand Wonderful Women as a literary manifestation in favour of giving visibility to the role of women in the public sphere of society" - Contrapunto University of Alcalá

Captura de pantalla 2020-11-04 a las 13.

Written by Anna Rossetti

Illustrated by Jesús Gabán

Collection: Women

Size: 19.50  x 27cm

Pages: 72 

Binding: Cardboard

  ISBN: 978.84.949242.5.5

  (Price without VAT €18.75)

RRP €19.50


ASCHEL Digital no. 8-Calaméo (chronicle)

Interesting chronicle about the presentation of our book at the Madrid café Comercial, which in addition to a presentation, was a cultural and literary meeting point. The book with some of its components will also be reviewed later on in this digital magazine.

Review in Counterpoint, the magazine of Literary and Cultural Criticism of the University of Alcalá

Nice and deep review about the book and its illustrations, about the relevance and importance of the very essence that forms the backbone, of the women that make it up and of many others who could integrate it in other settings...

Article-interview with Ana Rossetti in

The author reveals to us what lies behind the book, its idea, its origins,

its content…, in short, its whys.

WhatsApp Image 2019-06-04 at

Anna Rossetti


She was born in San Fernando, coming from the theatrical field, and has also been active in the fields of poetry and narrative. In 1993 she premiered  The Secret in Love, an opera in one act with music by Manuel Balboa. She has made versions of Spanish classics for the Andalusian Theater Center and the National Classical Theater Company. Her poetic work has been recognized with the Gules awards (1980) and the King Juan Carlos I International Prize  (1985). In the genre of prose, she has published several novels and in 1991 she won The Vertical Smile of erotic literature. In 2003 she formed the group  Transtextuales, carrying out the series of performances,  Wednesdays of Crime, for the Center of Modern Art. Since 1996 she has also devoted herself to children's literature. She has received the Andalusian Silver Medal for her work as a whole and the Meridiana Prize awarded by the Andalusian Women's Institute in the category of Literature. Contracted debts,  published by La Bella Warsaw,  has been honoured with the El Público Award as the best collection of poems of 2016. And her book of poems has just been reissued by Umbrío Point in Huerga and Fierro, publishers.

Jesús Gabán

He has been illustrating children's and young adults' books since 1981. He has been a finalist in the Lazarillo Prize for Illustration in 1983, the Apel.les Mestres prize in 1983 and winner of the same prize in 2004.

He won the National Prize for Children's and Young Adults' Illustration in 1984, 1988 and 2000. He has also been selected in the White Ravens catalogue in 1987 and won the bronze medal in Arts at the Leipzig Book Fair in 1989, the Diploma of Honor and Special Mentions in the Catalonia Prize in 1984, 1990, 1992 and 1997, the International Prize for Illustration of the Santa María Foundation in 1995. CCI Prize Honor List in 1998.

His book Abdul and the lion of Atlas was chosen as one of the One Hundred Best Spanish Children's Books of the 20th Century at the VI Symposium on Children's and Young People's Literature organized by the Germán Sánchez Ruipérez Foundation. His books have been published in France, the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, Denmark, Finland, Portugal, Brazil, Venezuela, the United States, and Japan.

With Libros de las Malas Compañías he has also illustrated:  

Captura de pantalla 2021-10-12 a las 16.55.20.png
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