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Books of the Baobab Collection

In this collection, we will publish  African authors in Spanish. The limited interest of the

market for the literature of Africa interesting prompts us to carry out a project

in which each of the subscribers makes their individual contribution and can be involved in its continuity.  

The only benefit of Books of the Baobab is precisely that the African voices translated into Spanish are expanded, in a society in need, more than ever, of other views on the world and the human being. The selection of the works will be based on their quality, their importance in their respective countries and the interest of the subscribers.  

The Alejandro de los Santos collection is directed by Ana Cristina Herreros, Chema Caballero and Sonia Fernández.  

The collection is dedicated to Antonio Lozano (1956-2019).

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Publications 2021

Publications 2022






I'm alone by Beyrouk


Comrade Dad de Gauz

Publications 2023


Neighbours Lília Momplé


The Secret Lives of the Wives of Baba Segi by Lola Shoneyin

Publicaciones 2024



the footprint of the fox by Moussa Konate


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El libro del escultor de Ahmad Abdulatif


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En compañía de los hombres de Veronique Tadjo



Saara de Beyrouk

Become a subscriber  

For only €40 per year for shipments within Spain and €60 per year for shipments within Europe.

  • You will receive in your home the two works that we will publish annually in the first place. 

  • You will contribute to the continuity of the publication of new African voices in Spanish. 

  • And you will have access to the exclusive details for subscribers.  

If you have already bought the first book and want to subscribe, you can do so for €20 for shipments within Spain and €30 for shipments within Europe.

How to subscribe?  

  1. We need you to make a transfer to Caixa Bank, to the following account number:              ES48 2100 5550 1002 0019 8316. 

  2. Putting in observations, your full name and beneficiary, Baridi Sana SL

  3. Finally you have to fill out the following registration form: 


Media in which the collection has been reviewed: ​

Captura de pantalla 2021-03-25 a las 19.
Captura de pantalla 2021-03-25 a las 19.

Responsible: BARIDI SANA SL / B88235197 / C/ Tarragona 10, 2º C, 28045 Madrid / 664732139 / | Main purpose: Manage your subscription to our publications (Books of the Baobab); manage the business relationship. | Rights: Access, rectification, deletion and portability of your data, limitation and opposition to its treatment, as well as not being the subject of decisions based solely on the automated processing of your data, when appropriate. | Additional information: You can consult additional and detailed information about our Privacy Policy.

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