Brothers in Syria

This illustrated album is not just another book about war.
It is the story of two brothers,
of a bombing, of a devastated city,
of a devastated family.
It is an illustrated album that wants to be the chronicle
of what wars mean, that wants to be a cry,
the cry of the surviving brother:
Enough already! Stop this war!
"The work stands out for its graphic work, with an elegant air that takes us to a painting in each vignette" - Divina Pastora Fundation
You can see the short animation here:
Written by Victor Suarez
Illustrated by Marta Torres
Collection: People tell stories too
Size: 21 x 21cm
Pages: 32
Binding: Cardboard illustrated album
ISBN: 978.84.945888.9.1
(Price without VAT €13.94)
RRP €14.50
Reference from the website of the association Voices Against Silence. Independent Video A. C.
Informative reference on the illustrated documentary, its idea, objective, etc., of
Víctor Suárez and Marta Torres, without ceasing to also refer to their transition to paper,
to our publisher.
Interview with Víctor Suárez and Marta Torres, as winners of the Comic and Social Development Award granted by the Divina Pastora Foundation
Their work in the video and illustration "Brothers in Syria" is awarded just before its
adaptation to book format with us. The interview gives a better insight into the project
from the very beginning to its final presentation by the creators themselves.
Víctor Suárez
Born in Valencia in 1986, Víctor Suárez discovers his passion for sound through music, making recordings with the few means available. At the age of 18, he decides to train as a senior technician to enter the audiovisual world.
He studies for the Higher Degree in Sound, obtaining the highest grade of his promotion, and does the internship as an assistant in the recording of the band Revólver's album "21 gram". He complements these studies with the Higher Degree in Electronic Products by doing the practices in Orbital Sound (London).
He has made numerous musical recordings of bands y he has extensive experience in live sound through various tours.
In the audiovisual section, he covers a wide range of genres, specializing in live music recording, as well as in the documentary genre, occupying the role of sound technician, cameraman and editor.
An active member of LA COSECHA Audiovisual Production, he has participated in documentaries such as “Carrícola, a town in transition”, “Pedals of life” and “Francis et la menuiserie”.
Alone he has made award-winning short documentaries such as “Brothers in Syria” and “Let's look at us”.
Marta Torres
She was born in Valencia in 1994 and grew up copying the style of her mother, also an illustrator. The result today is, paradoxically, completely different.
It was always clear to her that she wanted to study Fine Arts and Brothers in Syria became her degree final project and her first published book. The project also won the "Comic and Social Development 2019" award with the documentary video format.
Her interest and concern for social issues have always led her to get involved through illustration, which is the tool with which she feels most comfortable and through which she expresses herself best.
Marta loves listening to stories, especially about those who tell the least, and while she does so, she imagines everything in drawings.