We live turning our backs on nature. We forget that we are part of that which we destroy and, in doing so, we helplessly diminish ourselves. The Baobab tree knows it, through its sap run hundreds of moments accompanying human beings through misfortune, which this time comes in the form of the Ebola epidemic. During those days, in 2014, Africa became the source of all suffering. Now it is the voices of those who experienced it firsthand that rise to bring us the silence, but also their struggle wrapped in dedication, strength and courage.
Written by Veronique Tadjo
Translated by Leandro Calle
Cover art by Gouye de Chérif Thiam
Collection: Baobab books
Size: 14,50 x 21,50 cm
Pagess: 216
Binding: rustic with flaps
ISBN: 978-84-127565-9-3
P.V.P. 17,95€ (price without VAT 17,26€)

Veronique Tadjo
(Paris, 1955). She studied literature at the University of Abidjan and taught for several years at the National University of Ivory Coast. Her first publication was a book of poems, and after several novels, in 2005, she won the Grand Prix Littéraire d'Afrique Noire. In Spanish, you can read La sombra de Imana and La canción de la vida. The first one arose from her participation in the Rwanda project, writing out of duty of memory, with the aim of breaking the silence of African intellectuals about the 1994 genocide. The second is aimed at younger readers, but not reserved for them, with illustrations by the author herself. In the Company of Men is her latest work of fiction.
Los Angeles Times Book Award 2022
Humanities and Social Sciences Award South Africa 2023