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The Lonely King

The king plays at not being alone and dreams of looking at the stars with some company. Will he find someone to share this dream with?

This classic which was published almost twenty years ago, returned to bookstores thanks to Libros de las Malas Compañías.

Rewritten by Rafael Estrada

Reillustrated by Jesús Gaban

Collection: Retrieved books

Size: 21  x 21cm

Pages: 44 

Binding: Cardboard illustrated album

ISBN: 978.84.945888.1.5

  (Price without VAT €13.94)

RRP €14.50


Mis Cuentos Infantiles


Review in Facebook that talks about The Lonely King in an amazing publication.

CLIJ Magazine

Here we leave you the review published by CLIJ magazine.

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Rafael Estrada
WhatsApp Image 2019-06-04 at

Rafael Estrada

He started drawing comic strips for La Codorniz and comics. In addition, he has painted covers for a lot of Spanish and foreign publishers.

As a teacher, he has given courses to other teachers and university students and taught drawing and painting classes for more than 10 years in schools.

Some of his works have been published in Germany, the former Yugoslavia, Poland, France, Italy, Greece, Portugal, Ecuador, Venezuela, Chile, Turkey, Korea, Mexico, and the USA.

As a writer, he has published books with Debolsillo, Edebé, SM, Bruño, Edelvives, Espasa-Calpe, and other publishers, and now with Libros de las Malas Compañías. He has published more than 20 books for children and young people, and he also writes for adults. For his work, he has received many awards.

The King Alone (Libros de las Malas Compañías, 2016) was published in 1994 in the Barco de Vapor series of SM and was so successful that 24 editions were made only in Spanish. It was also published in Greece, Italy, Korea, and Chile, and received the White Ravens International Award in 1995.

Jesús Gaban


He has been illustrating books for children and young adults since 1981. He was a finalist for the Lazarillo Illustration Prize in 1983, the Apel.les Mestres Prize in 1983 and winner of the same prize in 2004.

He won the National Prize for Children and Young Adults Illustration in 1984, 1988 and 2000. He was also selected in the White Ravens catalogue in 1987 and won the bronze medal at Art in the Leipzig Book Fair in 1989, the Diploma of Honor and Special Mentions in the Catalonia Prize in 1984, 1990, 1992 and 1997, the International Prize for Illustration of the Santa María Foundation in 1995. CCI Prize Honor List in 1998.

His book Abdul and the Atlas Lion was chosen as one of the One Hundred Best Spanish Children Books of the 20th Century at the VI Symposium on Children and Young Adult Literature organized by the Germán Sánchez Ruipérez Foundation. His books have been published in France, the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, Denmark, Finland, Portugal, Brazil, Venezuela, the United States, and Japan.


With Libros de las Malas Compañías he has also illustrated the following titles:

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