Norwegian Tales

This book is a unique anthology of 110 Norwegian folk tales collected by Asbjornsen & Moe and first published in 1841. It also contains more than 120 engravings by the most famous Scandinavian painters of the time, including Theodor Kittelsen, who illustrated the cover. These tales were collected at a time when Norway did not exist as a country and was part of the Swedish crown. These stories were so important that they were used for the normalization of the Norwegian language after their independence. They are so beautiful that Jacob Grimm said they were "the best tales that exist and surpass any other".
“It is difficult to find a collection of folk tales as marvelous as the one in this book” - Tierra Oral

Article in La Provincia about our Norwegian tales (2/11/2016)
The article reports on the presentation of the book at La Provincia club, in Las Palmas, as well as interviewing the editor and narrator Ana Herreros.
Review in AEDA (Association of Oral Narration Professionals in Spain)
Discover the reason for the singularities of our book!
Very interesting review of Pep Bruno in his priceless blog on the paths of the oral land
The review, in addition to the necessary informative reference on the publication of the book, takes us into its contents, the interest of this type of publication, as well as the presence and care of the edition, its binding or the numerous images that it includes, among other things.
Nordic Literature, the Aurora Borealis blog
What better way to review the book than a blog like this one, with its eloquent title? Its words offer us the perfect emotional framework to internalize this book.
You can find more information about our book on the El Baile de los Hechizados blog:
Review in Discover Art magazine
A very good way to understand the relationship of the book with Norway, its customs, its time...
Dias Nórdicos Magazine