This workshop is given by Ana Cristina Herreros
Stories have always been told for entertainment: from the Leonese filandoneses to Boccaccio's Decameron. Relating was and is a way of warding off the horror, of inhabiting uncertainty. This reading and writing workshop proposes, based on a critical and detailed reading, to analyze what are the keys to the writing of some authors, which serve as a trigger for our own writing.
The workshop will work, among others, on the stories from the book Christmas in Madrid, enjoyable nights, by Mariana de Carvajal and Saavedra, which is included in the price of the course and which we will send you the week before classes begin.
We will meet every 15 days, on Thursdays. On the first Thursday, the reading of a story will be proposed, the theory will be explained and a writing exercise will be suggested for the next class, in which the texts will be read and discussed. This same thing will be repeated 4 times, working on 4 themes about love, in 2 blocks until the month of June.
Classes will take place through the ZOOM platform, on Thursdays from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. and will be organized as follows:
Sign up for the sessions!
Block 1.
1. topic
January 27: theory and proposal.
February 10: practice and sharing.
2. theme
February 24: theory and proposal.
March 10: practice and sharing.
Block 2.
3. theme
April 21: theory and proposal
May 5: practice and sharing.
4. theme
May 17 (Tuesday)
June 2nd
You can pay for the course through BIZUM or by bank transfer. At this time we offer you two enrollment options:
By blocks: €90* each, made up of 2 topics and 4 classes.
Block 1. From January 27 to March 10.
Block 2. From April 21 to June 2.
Full enrollment: €160* for both blocks, with 4 topics and 8 classes.