The Libros de las Malas Compañías association arose intending to develop through it the solidarity projects of the publishing house's Black series and any other projects in which it defends and promotes the fulfilment of human rights through literature and art.
To achieve this goal, we have set ourselves some objectives :
Give visibility to excluded, silenced and invisible groups, such as homeless people, the Trans community or people who live in Africa or who have emigrated to other places.
Promote the dissemination of their culture to break with the stereotypes that make us fall into prejudice and exclusion.
Defend the rights of people in social inequality.
Promote the creativity and values of people at social risk.
Offer a real and effective alternative for leisure and free time for young people at risk based on reading, culture and well-being.
Promote critical awareness in Spanish children and young people about conflicts abroad.
Establish and motivate values and activities of coexistence, teamwork, integration, and tolerance.
Facilitate personal development through different artistic and cultural disciplines.
Provide excluded communities and groups with the resources that they lack for their vital cultural development.
For optimum fulfilment of these objectives, Libros de las Malas Compañías will provide whatever means and/or resources are necessary or most convenient.
In addition, to meet these objectives, the following actions or activities will be carried out:
Design, planning, management, and development of artistic, social, cultural, and environmental projects.
Organization and commission of cultural events.
Production of culture.
Design of cultural workshops.
Reading promotion activities.
Solidarity projects in Africa.
Pedagogical actions.
Preparation and coordination of courses and training activities; workshops to encourage reading, narration, illustration, etc.
Participatory action research.
Edition, design and publication of diverse material.
We will inform you of all the projects and activities that we will carry out on this website.
Also, if you want to collaborate with the association and its projects, as collaborating partners, you can contact us through our email: