Publishing project
We are an uncomfortable publishing project which goes where it shouldn't, listens to those whom people want to silence, learns from those who are considered uneducated, says what should be kept quiet, and publishes what is not considered literature. We want to reach you, the people who look straight ahead, laugh without covering their mouths and go out into the streets and shout aloud about what hurts them and what they think is unfair. That is why we are Bad Companies.
Libros de las Malas Compañías arises with the ambition to cherish the book in its editing process and to take care of the people involved in it.
Our company policy begins with the sustainable development of all the actions we carry out, we want our work to have the greatest possible impact, improving everyone's life, and leaving no one behind. Therefore, we want to detail the Sustainable Development Goals we are working on:
In this struggle to do things as well as possible and to be part of a structural change in the market and the publishing world, we have seen the obligation and the need to open up new fields, to form part of larger collectives and to seek synergies to cooperate with other agents of change that help us and those we help to make this world a better place to live in.
In addition, all our books will be free to borrow from libraries.
This is our latest book:
The publishing house is also complemented with various projects: a training one, with the Bad Company Workshops, and a collaborative one, with our association.
You can find more information here:
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